Monday, May 18, 2015

New Old Friends

While doing some brisk walking this morning, a truck arrived at the neighborhood. We have a new neighbor. The house adjacent to ours had been bought by a three siblings. I had the chance to talk to them after lunch when I brought them some desserts. I was surprised because one of them was my classmate in high school. It was great to see her again after how many years. We parted after high school because she went to study in the city. Together with her younger siblings who studying at the local university, they had moved in their new house from their apartment located at the nearby town. She is supporting her siblings ever since their parents died in a car accident. I was impressed to learn that she is running a medium sized business. Then, I helped them unpacked some of their things while updating each other about our lives after high school. Then at dinner, I invited them to eat at our house


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