Monday, July 05, 2010

I wish...

I was browsing the net this afternoon when I encountered the blog of my cousin. I was surprise to see her trip. In her blog, she narrated her one week stay at a beach resort with some of her friends. Highlights of her stay were the whales she saw one time she was just looking at the ocean. I am a bit envious because I was with them when they were planning their dream vacation. I was at my cousin’s house when they were there to talk about it.

I searched about the place and saw the resort's site. A spectacular scene can be viewed every February and March as the whales commute through this channel plus the possibility of sea turtles and barracudas are swimming near the rocks below. Rooms come with large windows where you can take a look at the ocean, kitchen appliances, and amenities like air conditioning, hot tubs, swimming pools, cable or wireless internet, washer and drier, and many others. I wish I was there too. sigh...


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